Exclusive perks of visiting St. Petersburg in 2021

This year the winter has been sparing Saint Petersburg’s residents, and now the real spring is around the corner. It seems that this is the best time to come to such a terrific city and witness a magical transformation. Just imagine – the trees and flowers are blossoming, the day is getting longer and the white nights are coming, the bridges start opening again… Usually, this is a double-edged sword as all the benefits of spring attract thousands of tourists from all over the world, and the city gets bustling. But season 2021 appears to be an exception!

In terms of safety reasons, the borders are close with many countries, except for the countries with regular air connections with Russia. Hopefully, the situation will improve soon as there should be no prevention for anyone to admire this amazing country and St. Petersburg in particular. Until then, many foreigners from those countries which have regular air connection with Russia may use a chance to enjoy Saint Petersburg to the fullest! As the bulk of tourists coming to Russia was gone, this is the genuinely exclusive opportunity to see the city being not overcrowded as always.

What are the spots and attractions that can be better explored in such a time? Oh my, thousands! Let’s illustrate just a few.

Museums – standing right in front of the “Madonna Litta” by da Vinci

First of all, the expositions in the museums. The Hermitage, the Russian Museum, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, also known as Kunstkamera, the museum of Faberge …You name it! The masterpieces of the world-famous painters and sculptures may now be examined from a very close distance to capture all the lines. The best example is the “Madonna Litta” – the gorgeous work of Leonardo da Vinci exposed to the Hermitage Museum. Usually, you are likely to face the “Mona-Lisa”-like situation – a tiny painting is barely seen behind dozens of tourists, and it takes lots of effort to push through the crowds with cameras. The same goes for “Danae” by Titian, “The Return of the Prodigal Son” by Rembrandt, and numerous original works of best painters of all times.

Palaces – any detail of the Amber Room is entirely viewed

Considering the situation, it’s a real pleasure to go to the suburbs and visit splendid Russian palaces. Tsarskoe Selo – is the first pearl and a real must-have for anyone. Here you will find the gorgeous Catherine Palace, and particularly the Amber Room – the reconstruction of the original treasure created in the 18th century in Prussia and stolen by Nazis during World War II. The interior is made of amber and gold, and all the ornaments and the tiniest detail can now be seen. Thus, you may admire this eighth wonder of the world! We are telling you, this is a well-deserved title. Also, the gorgeous Peterhof is no longer too busy, and you may admire the Peterhof Palace both inside and outside. Konstantin Palace in Strelna, the Grand Gatchina Palace, Menshikov Palace in Oranienbaum… In all these locations, you can walk around freely and enter all the attractions, not standing in a long queue for hours.


Theaters – watch the Swan Lake from sitting in the first row

Have you dreamed of watching the best ballet dancers in the world performing the “Swan Lake” or the “Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky? What about “Russian Seasons” by Diaghilev? Any other adorable ballet that Russia is famous for? Now you can book a ticket to Mariinsky theater while usually, it’s a sold-out with no exceptions. Operas, spectacles, other types of performances that the cultural capital of Russia is rich in might be now seen by your proper eyes from the good places. The only thing is to outrun the local intellectuals.

All the spots – we mean it!

Nevsky prospect – the key arteria of the city – is not that overcrowded; the embarkments are freer and allow you to stand comfortably and witness such an awesome phenomenon as bridge opening. Finally, the restaurants and cafes are not that busy, and some luxury rooms in the hotels are still available at a reasonable price. Therefore, it seems like it’s a real opportunity to enjoy Saint Petersburg properly.

What if we remind you of the other trigger of your future journey to Russia? Not only the crowds of tourists thin out but also millions of people got lucky to arrange their trip to Saint Petersburg as easily as it is only possible. As it won’t last forever, don’t miss an excellent opportunity to come to the second capital of Russia escaping the challenging procedure of applying for a visa.

There might be no better time to visit Saint Petersburg! Why not plan your next weekend in Saint Petersburg right now?